Mr & Mrs Snowman on 8 x 11 Salvage Wood

Regular price $ 75.00

Stone Snowmen 

Mr. & Mrs Snowman on salvaged wood washed in charcoal gray (Ash) Fusion Mineral Paint. 

Both snowmen are made from materials salvaged from the beaches of Lake Erie; stones, wire, metal, and plastic.   Scarves are a mix of rubber, wire, and metal. Hat is accessorized with plastic hair clip parts. Accented with acrylic paint, a touch of glitter, and a copper “moon” in the sky. 

This will work best hanging on a wall (back is wired for easy hanging) or in a picture holder. This piece of wood tends to tip over, doesn’t stand on its own. 

My dogs and I walk the beach most days. They swim, run off excess energy and I collect beach glass, stones, metal, wire, plastic, rubber... bring it all home in my backpack to be used in my art—or recycled.  

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